
Intuitive Inquiry is a resource inspired by the pure joy of being. When we fully embrace our life situation, resistance, drama and the mind’s story dissolve. What arises is the opportunity to experience your essential nature: joy, abundance, freedom, peace and love.

Intuition is not a gift given to only a few. We are all intuitive and have what we need to directly experience the realization of who we are. My greatest joy is assisting others with trusting their intuition to guide them to a deeper experience of their true nature. I do this by offering Intuitive Readings, Inquiry Sessions and Energy Healing Sessions.

What would your life be like if you were able to embrace what life presented? If you were free of labels, judgment, resistance and fear? Our life experiences, patterning, thoughts and beliefs help the mind create a story of who we are. Intuitive Inquiry invites you to go beyond the story to explore, question, contemplate and play with the concepts and beliefs that arise from the mind. When we let go of the mind’s story and judgment of who we are the essential self is naturally revealed.

Inquiry is more than just questions – it is the dissolution of believing that the mind holds the answer.
