Inquiry Sessions

What would your life be like if you could truly choose? If you were fully awake to the present moment? If you were free to be?  Inquiry is for those who are interested in exploring inner space. All that is needed is a longing to know the self and a willingness to examine beliefs, concepts and ideas that create separation from your essential nature. The process is simple to learn and apply to everyday life situations.

The purpose of an Inquiry session is to guide you to a deeper questioning of assumed beliefs, thoughts, or concepts. Often a single core pattern or recurring issue is explored over several sessions. Inquiry seeks to address what is hidden or operating in the background. What is repressed or hidden can unconsciously keep us from true expression. When we are mindful of what we most resist, fear dissolves.

Inquiry is multidimensional and energetic in origin. A shift in awareness can often reveal a true healing within the self. Inquiry is a direct and powerful way to experience being fully present.

With Inquiry I view my work as that of a guide who facilitates the possibility of the direct experience of life without labels, self-judgment or the limiting belief systems that filter our experience of the present. The simple act of embracing what is creates freedom.

“When you argue with reality you lose – but only 100% of the time.”     – Byron Katie