
Deborah’s background is in traditional and alternative medicine. She holds degrees in Nursing and Counseling Psychology. After working in hospital and psychiatric settings she realized the limitations of western medicine. This led her toward eastern approaches to healing and complimentary medicine. Deborah has been a facilitator and teacher of alternative healing for over 30 years. Her natural curiosity led her into areas of focus that included Therapeutic Touch, Death and Dying, Guided Imagery, Psychosynthesis, Body/Mind therapies, Cranio-sacral therapy, Energy healing, Quantum Psychology, and Self-Inquiry. She has conducted numerous workshops, lectures and ongoing training programs

In Her Own words

“As we navigate our way through life, I have come to understand that, although we may know about many things, true knowing arises from direct experience. My intention is to empower others to trust their experience and intuition to guide them to a deeper experience of self and the world. My work has evolved to include assisting others with the possibility of living without the mind’s story of self-judgment, limiting beliefs and labels. When the story drops away we are truly free to live in the Now.”