Everyday Intuition

Why is it that sometimes we seem to know something without having any external information? Everyday intuition arises all the time. For example; we are thinking or someone and the phone rings and they are on the line. We might call this coincidence. Often we describe someone who appears intuitive as gifted and assume that we are not intuitive. Intuition is defined as the act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes.* Sometimes when a quick decision is needed we respond intuitively with an answer without any outside thought of how things should be.

Many of us have held a belief that knowing about something or questing for information or knowledge will help us get somewhere. Whole institutions have grown up around knowledge. In our culture the degree one achieves is highly valued. Knowing about something can be useful yet it is not the same as the direct experience of intuitive knowing.

I had the opportunity to watch a friend’s granddaughter playing in her garden. She is young enough that everything has not been named and categorized. What a delight to observe her pure joy of seeing a cricket or playing with water. She naturally explored one sensation after another without thought. The universe effortlessly guided to her next experience. Then I had an awareness that we can also be effortless guided by being present and listening to the inner voice or sensation that we all have. It is always present even if we are not conscious of that awareness. Our thoughts are truly the only thing that stands in the way of direct experience. Many people are so worried about what others think they rarely focus on what is present for them in the moment.

Since inquiry is about questioning unquestioned beliefs thoughts and ideas, looking at our beliefs about our intuitive ability and knowing is a great exercise. How often do we abandon our intuitive knowing thinking that someone else knows better. How many times have you censored yourself only to have it affirmed later? What would life be like if we allowed ourselves to be led by intuition rather than the mind’s thoughts of who we are and what we should do next?

Try this exercise.

Choose a life situation that causes confusion or requires a decision on your part. And then answer a few questions.

Ask yourself;                                                                                                                                                          1. 1. Concerning this situation what am I willing to know?

2. Concerning this situation what am I not willing to know?

3. By not knowing what do I create?

4. By knowing what do I create?

Enjoy your exploration and see where it guides you.


*American Heritage Dictionary



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